Resources For Parents and Girls
The following resources accompany the book. Click on the image to open the pdf file to download and print.
Print out this page to help solve a problem.
Term One / 10 week journal template
Values exercise print out
Template for writing down everything you are grateful for.
Template for writing down everything you are grateful for.
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Short bite size videos are being created to support the messaging in the book as well as feedback that I have received from those that have read it.
They include:
What does it mean to be in a “get ready” mindset?
Getting to know yourself – your character - how to describe yourself.
Understanding your character strengths – everyone has them we might not know what they are yet
Understanding what’s important to you and why you feel uncomfortable sometimes
Looking after yourself – how do you do it and what is most important?
How to build energy levels when you don’t feel like doing anything!
A few helpful hints on your phone and social media
Sleep and what you can do to help you get enough rest
Asking for help – how to do it and ways you can also help yourself
Hints and tips for studying and exams
Understanding confidence and knowing that it’s like a muscle you can build over time
What it means to become more mature
What to do if you or someone else is being bullied - interview with Jess from Bullyology and the Upstander Movement.